GWM's we have 73 Days in  VA.
Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW) general,  Virginia in particular, in 73 days ladies, each of us need to know, who's running for elected office in our state and city. I can send you a link to get that information in your state if you like but, for the next 73 days I'll be concentrating on Virginia.
 November 17,2017 in Virginia on the State Level, we'll be electing: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General and all 100 House Delegates members will be up for re-elections: There are 34 democrats and 66 republicans. We need 17 seats in the House of Delegate in November 2017; or 3 more seats in the General Assembly in 2018.
We'll deal with the General Assembly In 2018:  there are 40 members; 19 Democrats and 21 Republicans; just a heads-up,  we need 3 of those seats.
GMW, it's time we have Bi-Partisan Leadership on our State and National levels. This will force our representative to work across the isles.  In Virginia  November 2017, we must bring balance to the House of Delegates.

The GOP has proven beyond any reasonable doubt, that they are not capable of having total majority in leadership; I don't really think any party should have total political  control. From 2004 thru 2008 the GOP had a majority in Washington. The country almost went into default. From 2008 thru 2016 President Obama was able to bring our country back from the brink total disaster, restore confidence, respect and a sense of security in America, and around the world.  ​​​​

Use Your Power:  Your Dollars,  Vote, God  and Your Love.

Fix the Village and Save the Children

It Grandmothers, Mothers & Women Saving Our Children we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world. But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and use your power.  Your vote, dollars, love and God. 


Our Mission

"Fix The Village And Save The Children"